Terms & Conditions

This Website is operated by Zion Management Group. All inquiries may be directed to:

Zion Management Group

Deep Plaza, Unit No. 120, 1st Floor, Khethani Compound, Bail Bajar, Kurla West, Mumbai-400 070, India.

Email: [email protected]

You agree that your access of www. ziongroup.co.in (hereinafter referred to as this “Website”) and use of the information contained or uploaded on the Zion Management Group databases therein is governed by the following terms and conditions and your access/use constitutes your agreement to be bound by the same (“Agreement”). If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, you are requested not to access this Website:

Access to the Website: Upon registration, Zion Management Group grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to access its Website and the information contained or uploaded on the databases, solely for the purpose of carrying out data verification, person, business contact, company search, address/location and related searches. Access is hereby granted for qualified individual use only. Zion Management Group may authorize broader enterprise business use through its enterprise services program, by way of a separate agreement which will need to be entered into between the enterprise and Zion Management Group. While Zion Management Group uses reasonable efforts to collate information on its database from information gathered from selected public records and other sources, such as by way of physical verification, inquiries, etc., you hereby agree and accept that all information on the Website is provided “AS IS”. Furthermore, Zion Management Group accesses and is charged for information controlled by third parties and therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information.

General Restrictions: You agree to use and seek information only for appropriate, legal purposes, and in compliance with all applicable national, state and local laws and regulations. Additionally, you agree that the Website and information contained or uploaded on the databases may not be used to bother, stalk, harass, threaten or embarrass any person. You may not use the Website to look up details of celebrities or other public persons, or to locate individuals under the age of

18 years. Information shall not be provided, made available or resold to any other person or entity without Zion Management Group’s prior written consent. All searches on the Website are tracked, and (as also provided for below) you hereby grant your consent to such tracking and to the provision of all information about your access of the Website to law enforcement and other agencies or entities as may be necessary to respond to allegations, if any, that the information contained in the databases has been misused.

Additional Restrictions: In the event of you using the information contained or uploaded on our databases for criminal or civil background checks, you should not assume that this information provides complete or accurate information of such person’s criminal or civil history. You should rely on applicable state and national laws before using this information to make any decisions on hiring or terminating employees. Zion Management Group does not offer any legal advice on how to use the information contained in criminal or civil background reports, and is not responsible, in any way whatsoever, for any action that may be taken by you based on this information. You agree to exercise extreme caution when interpreting the results of a criminal or civil background search for any type of verification. You hereby acknowledge that positive matches in criminal or civil background checks may not provide confirmation of an individual’s criminal or civil background and further inquiries may need to be done by you to confirm this. Proper use of the information is your responsibility. The information contained in the databases has not been collected in whole or in part for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports. You shall not use any of the information as the sole factor for the purposes of (1) establishing an individual’s eligibility for personal credit or insurance or assessing risks associated with existing consumer credit obligations, (2) evaluating an individual for employment, promotion, reassignment, termination or retention (including employment of household workers such as domestic help, drivers, guards, cleaning personnel, nannies, contractors, and other individuals), or (3) any other personal or business transaction with another individual (including, but not limited to, leasing an apartment). This information may only be used in conjunction with other information procured by you and should be duly verified by you from a different source before relying on it for the aforesaid or any other purposes.

Misuse: In the event Zion Management Group suspects that the Website or the information contained or uploaded on the databases has been misused, Zion Management Group will contact its suppliers and/or law enforcement agencies (as appropriate) and will provide them with all information needed to conduct an investigation. You hereby grant your consent to the provision of such information (including search key data) for such investigative purposes. You further agree to fully cooperate with all audits of Zion Management Group’s customers and systems generally. The Website may not be accessed by automated programs or other data extraction systems without prior written authorization of Zion Management Group. Zion Management Group reserves the right to cancel your access to the Website if, in the opinion of Zion Management Group, it is deemed that you are inappropriately using the information contained in its databases.

Fees and Refund Policy: Fees for the access of the information contained or uploaded on the databases are posted on the various search pages. You agree to pay the fees associated with your use of the information contained or uploaded on the databases through any of the online payment options given by Zion Management Group’s payment service provider. You hereby certify that you are an authorized user of the payment option. You understand that Zion Management Group takes online payment fraud and non-payment very seriously, and will work with law enforcement agencies and private parties to address these issues, if they occur. Zion Management Group further reserve the right to suspend access to any delinquent account without notice. If you have questions about Zion Management Group’s fees, you may contact Zion Management Group before you complete any search. You are responsible for (and must pay for) all use of the information contained or uploaded on the databases by persons using your account. If you suspect that unauthorized use of your account is taking place, you must notify Zion Management Group immediately and take reasonable steps to prevent the same. All payments, once made, are final and no refunds at any point in time will be made by Zion Management Group, for any reason whatsoever.

Disclaimer of Warranties: The information contained or uploaded on the Website has been compiled from public records, other proprietary sources, and uploaded by individuals, including by way of physical verification, inquiries, etc., for the specific purposes of (1) locating individuals, businesses, business contacts, and/or (2) providing general background information about individuals and businesses for verification purposes. Neither Zion Management Group nor any of its data suppliers represents or warrants that the information in the Website is current, complete or accurate. Zion Management Group hereby disclaims all representations and warranties regarding the website and the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information contained or uploaded on the databases, including (without limitation) all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Additionally, under no circumstances shall Zion Management Group be liable to you and/or any third party for any damages whatsoever, including (without limitation) any direct, special, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages, lost profits, or any other claims of yours and/or any third parties, even if Zion Management Group has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You assume all risks associated with the access of the Website and use of the information contained or uploaded on the databases.

Indemnification: You agree that you shall indemnify and hold harmless Zion Management Group, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents, and all entities that have contributed information or data to, or provided services, to Zion Management Group, against any and all direct or indirect losses, claims, demands, expenses (including attorneys’ fees) or liabilities of whatever nature or kind arising in any way out of your access of the Website and use of the information contained in the databases.

Communication: Zion Management Group will primarily use email to communicate with you. All purchase receipts, confirmation notices, and welcome messages are delivered through electronic communications. You hereby agree to receive from Zion Management Group periodical communications regarding the information contained or uploaded on its databases and other suitable updates via email. The reports will be uploaded on the online portal and will NOT be delivered in hard copy format by courier.

Term: The term of this Agreement shall begin on the day that you agree to these terms and shall continue until terminated by either of us upon notice, which may be given by email. The terms of sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall survive termination. Additionally, all of the restrictions on use of the information contained or uploaded on the databases shall continue to apply to information downloaded from Zion Management Group until all copies of that information are destroyed by you.

FORCE MAJEURE: Zion Management Group shall not be liable for failure to perform any part of its obligations herein where such failure is due to fire, flood, power failure, strikes, industrial disturbances, inevitable accidents, war (declared or undeclared), acts of terror, commercially unreasonable hostile acts by a third party with respect to the Website, embargoes, blockages, legal restrictions, governmental regulations or orders, riots, insurrections, or any cause beyond the control of Zion Management Group. However, Zion Management Group shall use diligent efforts to resume performance.

Third Party Advertisers: Zion Management Group may allow third-parties to advertise on the Website. These third parties may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous.

Other Terms: Zion Management Group retains all the intellectual property rights in and to the Website and the information contained or uploaded on the databases and no rights, other than as specifically granted here under are intended to be granted by virtue of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by laws of Maharashtra, India and the courts at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Failure by Zion Management Group to insist on the strict performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement in one or more cases shall not be considered a waiver or relinquishment of any such term or condition or of any other term or condition. The terms and conditions set forth here constitute the entire agreement, and supersede any terms or conditions that may be set forth elsewhere.