
This is the Pre – Sanction activity done for Various Retail loan products and in this we do screening of 100% files logged in, and look for any subspecies documents / profile. Company (NBFC) and offers fund and fee-based financial services to its customers. Finance, Investment Banking, Private Equity, Infrastructure Finance, Securities, Wealth Management, Consumer Loans, Cards and Travel Related Services. Bank investigators will usually start with the transaction data and look for likely indicators of fraud. Time stamps, location data, IP addresses, and other elements can be used to prove whether or not the cardholder was involved in the transaction. In effect, a bank can investigate your account for as long as it needs to in order to determine whether they need to take action about fraud, abuse, or other issues. You will be required to plan, conduct and co-ordinate financial investigations in relation to criminal confiscation, restraint, cash seizures, money laundering and financial intelligence. ... You will carry out enquiries, interview people, search premises and secure evidence.